Celebrate Earth Day!

The COVID 19 Epidemic has resulted in many of us spending more time at home and indoors. It has also given us more time to appreciate the Earth and all that the natural environment has to offer us when we take care of it. The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970 where millions of Americans took to the streets, college campuses and hundreds of cities to protest environmental ignorance and demand a new way forward for our planet.  This day launched a wave of action and led to the creation of the modern environmental movements including the passage of landmark environmental laws in the US; The Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts were created in response to the first Earth Day in 1970, as well as the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

What can you do to protect and save the Earth?  The most effective way to reduce waste is to not create it. Making a new products can require tremendous amounts of materials and energy. Raw materials must be extracted from the earth, and the product must be fabricated then transported to wherever it will be sold. As a result, reduction and reuse are the most effective ways you can save natural resources, protect the environment AND save money. Specific ways you can help are listed below:

  • Look for products that use less packaging. When manufacturers make their products with less packaging, they use less raw material. This reduces waste and costs. These extra savings can be passed along to the consumer.
  • Maintain and repair products, like clothing, tires and appliances, so that they won’t have to be thrown out and replaced as frequently.
  • Borrow, rent or share items that are used infrequently, like party decorations, tools or furniture.
  • Instead of discarding unwanted appliances, tools or clothes, try selling or donating them. Not only will you be reducing waste, you’ll be helping others.

Pitt County had a wonderful 50th Earth Day Celebration on the Town Commons planned for April 22nd, which, unfortunately had to be canceled. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate the Earth in our homes until we can once again gather as a community. In organizing this event, it was wonderful to discover all the different groups already working to make Greenville a more sustainable and inviting place to live. Let’s turn this time into an opportunity to get outside and watch the progress of spring as the new leaves unfurl and songs of birds fill the air. Stop, listen, and enjoy. Being in nature calms our anxieties, lowers our blood pressure and fills us with hope. Perhaps you can use this time to plant a garden and/or experiment with nutritious recipes and vegetables you’ve never had time to try. Take long walks and look for things to give thanks for.  Giving thanks is one of the most powerful things we can do for our bodies and spirits. The healthier we are the better our bodies can resist any virus. And while you are giving thanks, remember all the health care workers, and everyone working to keep us fed and safe.

Some resources to help you get outdoors are the Kids in Parks Backyard Adventures https://home3/mylouise/public_html/pph.kidsinparks.com/backyard-adventures

Online events to help you celebrate Earth Day while social distancing:

  • The Earth Day Network has created Environmental Education at Home, Earth Day Live and other activities to educate and inspire youth and adults to become advocates for climate change.

Link for more information: https://home3/mylouise/public_html/pph.earthday.org/environmental-education-at-home/

  • JMP, a division of SAS Institute, is a company that makes data analysis software. On Earth Day — Wednesday, April 22 at 11:00 a.m. ET — we will be hosting a 2-hour live-streaming educational event focusing on the ways in which analytics can be used to address the impacts of climate change

Link to register: https://home3/mylouise/public_html/pph.jmp.com/en_us/events/jmp-on-air/earth-day.html

  • Join Piedmont Environmental Alliance for a celebration of community and the planet – the 2020 Virtual Piedmont Earth Day Fair from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Link to register: https://home3/mylouise/public_html/pph.facebook.com/events/426381631349801/ 

Pitt Partners for Health (PPH) is a community health improvement partnership with representatives from local churches, businesses, communities, the hospital, health department and other human service agencies. The partnership mission is to improve the population health of Pitt County through coalition building and partnership.  PPH meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month in community locations throughout the county.  If you have questions or for more information, please contact Tiera Beale (tiera.beale@vidanthealth.com) or find us on Facebook https://home3/mylouise/public_html/pph.facebook.com/PittPartnersForHealth/


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