Community Health Programs

Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas (HPHC) is an initiative of The Duke Endowment. It takes a bold community-based approach to addressing chronic health issues, such as unhealthy weight, diabetes and heart disease. In 2017 Pitt Partners was awarded this grant and has been renewed for an additional 3 years.

As a result of initial   funding through the Healthy People Healthy Carolinas Initiative (HPHC), Pitt Partners for Health (PPH) implemented evidence-based interventions addressing the priority areas (chronic disease, nutrition & physical activity and access to care) based on the 2015 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). After a process of pilot tests, PPH successfully implemented six programs (listed on this website) and collaborated to support the implementation of three additional evidence based interventions (EBIs) with our community partners (Check. Change. Control, DPP and the Arthritis Foundation Education Program). These EBIs were a critical first step as a testing platform to determine viable programming toward creating long-term sustainability.

As we move forward with new priority areas, PPH will focus on the growth and sustainability of our current EBI’s. However we will still support the Pitt County community in the investigation of new interventions. If you are interested in submitting an idea, please use the link below and fill out the form.

Project idea form:

You can also contact the HPHC Coordinator, Qua'Tavia White, for more information and Download our Brochure
